October 31, 2011
The past few weeks in Ottawa have been particularly rewarding for me, as we have introduced two important pieces of Legislation that Western Canada and the Central Albertans have been pushing for many years. Of course, I am talking about Bill C-18 the Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act and Bill C-19 the Ending of the Long-Gun Registry Act.
Bill C-18 the Marking Freedom for Grain Famers Act
After doing business under a monopoly for nearly 70 years, Western grain farmers will finally have the right to market their wheat and barley in the best interest of their individual farms and businesses. Our party has been committed to giving Western Canadian grain farmers marketing freedom for wheat and barley since 2005 and on October 18, Minister Gerry Ritz tabled legislation to deliver on that long-standing promise.
We believe farmers are best equipped to make their own business decisions. Prairie farmers have been asking to have the same freedom that farmers have in the rest of Canada; the freedom to choose who they sell their grain to and when. The legislation will immediately allow farmers and companies to forward contracts for the delivery of grain after August 1, 2012.
Working with Western Canadian grain farmers, their organizations and provincial partners, our Government is committed to an orderly transition to market freedom which includes a viable, voluntary pooling entity, as part of an open and competitive Canadian grain market.
Bill C-19 the Ending the Long-Gun Registry Act
I am proud to report that our Government is following through on our commitment to end the wasteful and ineffective long-gun registry once and for all. Finally, we can ensure that law-abiding hunters, farmers and sport shooters will no longer be treated like criminals for simply owning a rifle or shotgun.
Conservatives have never supported this misguided policy. It does not do anything to protect law-abiding Canadians from those who wish to harm us. It does not do anything to stop gun crime. And it has cost over $2 billion!
Canadians gave our Conservative Government a strong mandate to ensure that law-abiding long-gun owners are treated fairly. And that is exactly what we will do by ending the long-gun registry. We will also destroy all the records associated with the long-gun registry in order to ensure that it is never revived.
As of October 31, Bill C-18 has passed second reading and has been refered to a parliamentary committee for further examination. Bill C-19 is currently being debated in the second reading stage. I have heard from the people of Central Alberta and they overwhelming support both of these bills aimed at increasing the personal freedoms in the Canada. We will continue working to pass this legislation on behalf of all Canadians.
Yours Truly,
Earl Dreeshen, MP
Red Deer