April 04, 2016
I hope everyone was able to enjoy the incredible weather these past couple of weeks and had the opportunity to join friends and family over the Easter holiday. I am in the riding this week and look forward to meetings with constituents in Red Deer, Olds, Didsbury and the entire riding of Red Deer – Mountain View.
Budget 2016 – Higher Taxes Now and Later
I have had a chance to dig deeper into the Liberal Budget documents and have been very disappointed in what I have learned. Of course, we all know that the Liberals are borrowing $30 billion this year and $100 billion over the next four to pay for their out-of-control spending. In fact, they are borrowing FOUR times more money than they promised to during the election.
Anyone who runs a household or a business knows that borrowed money has to be paid back. Money borrowed by governments are paid back by tax dollars and Liberals have already begun raising taxes as Budget 2016 raises taxes on families, students and small businesses. In fact, personal income taxes are set to go up by $1.3 billion this year, and $2.4 billion next.
The most concerning part is that the Liberals have no plan to balance the books. After promising to balance the budget by 2019, they now plan to borrow more money every year, with no end in sight. The recklessness that the government is treating Canada’s credit rating with will come at a significant cost to Canadians for generations. With the provinces borrowing more money than ever before, the federal government needs to be prudent and keep its debt low. We cannot be caught unprepared in a future economic crisis.
Next week I will have an opportunity to highlight these and other concerns in the House of Commons when I speak during the Budget debate.
Mobile Office Update
The next Mobile Office in Didsbury on April 6th at Mug’s Coffee Shop and then the Delburne Municipal Building on April 20th. Both will be open with staff from 10-2 and I will be in Didsbury from 1-2 on the 6th. If you are in the area, please feel free to stop in and bring any questions or concerns.
Sincerely your Member of Parliament,
Earl Dreeshen